Post by Natural Earth Paint & Lilli Hoffman
There are several techniques to make natural wood stains.
Staining with Eco-Solve
Materials: Eco-Solve, Natural Earth Pigment, Large soft brush
- Mix pigment with Eco-Solve at about a 1:4 parts ratio. Add additional pigment for a more opaque stain, or additional Eco-Solve for a more transparent stain.
- Brush the stain onto the wood in the direction of the grain.
- Let dry.
- Optional: Recommended finish with Natural Varnish.
Staining with Walnut Oil
Materials: Walnut Oil, Natural Earth Pigment, Large soft brush, Clean dry rag
- Mix pigment with Walnut Oil at about a 1:4 parts ratio. Add additional pigment for a more opaque stain, or additional Walnut Oil for a more transparent stain.
- Brush the stain onto the wood in the direction of the grain.
- Immediately wipe with a dry, clean rag in the direction of the grain.
- Let dry.
- Optional: Recommended finish with Natural Varnish.
Staining with Botanical Dyes
Materials: Natural Egg Dye Kit (fruit, herb and veggie concentrates), Water, Large soft brush
- Mix Natural Egg Dye packet with 1/2 cup of hot water.
- Optional: Add 15% solution of alum to add to lightfastness.
- Brush the stain onto the wood in the direction of the grain.
- Let dry.
- Optional: Recommended finish with Natural Varnish
Shaker Stain
Materials: Natural Earth Pigment, Water, Clean dry rag
- Combine 1 Tbsp. Natural Earth Pigment and 1 cup of water in a saucepan.
- Gently boil it down until you have a thick paste, about 10 minutes. Let this cool.
- Rub the stain paste into wood using a rag. Rubber gloves should be worn to prevent staining of fingers.
- Let each coat dry.
- Rub in successive coats until the wood will not absorb any more.
- Since there is no binder, a sealer must be applied to prevent the color from transferring. Recommended to seal with Natural Varnish.
Varnish Stain (not featured on video)
Materials: Natural Earth Pigment, Natural Varnish, t-shirt material or filter
1. Mix pigment directly into Varnish – the more pigment, the more opaque the stain – test until satisfied
2. Filter – pour colored varnish through tight knit fabric (t-shirt material is good) or paint filters to filter out any granules of pigment that are left.

More of a visual learner? Check out our vibrant wood stain recipe tutorials!